Self Evaluation Techniques After Examination For CA, CS, CMA. Post Examination: Self Evaluation. There is nip in the air and excitement in the atmosphere. The heat and humidity is tapering, giving way to cool breeze and enjoyable sunshine. The weather calls for celebration and relaxation. The excitement among students is not only because of the change in weather, it is because the season of studies is over, Examinations have been taken, answer sheets have been filled at a furious pace, that part of the job is done and now just waiting for results of the Examination.

This is the best time to refresh not only the mind but also the body. We all have our own style of taking a break. After the Examination is over, it is a good idea to keep the academic studies and any activities related with it, at bay and just not think about it. It is necessary because after any such strenuous activity, in particular Examinations, a complete cut-off is essential to recharge the mental energy. Full attention, by way of celebration and relaxation should be paid, to give much needed rest to the faculties of brain. Now you can scroll down below n check more details for Self Evaluation After Examination

Self Evaluation Techniques After Examination For CA, CS, CMA

Each individual has a unique way of relaxing the mind; however there are some common ways to de-stress:

A good book: Immerse in the world of literature, read any good book that interests you and helps you to completely switch off from Examination mode and deeply engrosses you.

Outdoors: Staying indoors for long duration of studies and Examinations takes a toll on psyche and physique, therefore get outdoors; pursue any activity that exercises your body and comforts the mind. Play a favorite sport, or take a short trekking or mountaineering vacation

Sleep: Catch up on that much needed sleep as without doubt, Examination stress must have caused many sleepless nights.

Reconnect: It is now time to come out of hibernation and reconnect and touch base with friends and relatives; sharing common thoughts and ideas with them gets rid of the self imposed curfew. Make merry of the time spent with them.

Do something – Do nothing – Do enjoy: Take personal time – The “ME” time. Do anything like watching a movie, cooking, listening or playing music, going for a live concert or play, or maybe just do absolutely nothing! The most important idea of any activity or non-activity is to derive pleasure and peace

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Rechargeable things have a tendency to deplete and lose the charge if they are not used after fully charging them. Though human mind has vast potential, yet if it remains unused in any specific sphere for some time, it starts showing signs of dullness for that particular area. Hence after taking much deserved rest, it would be a good idea to sit and reflect about the performance in recent Examinations and make a quick self evaluation. This is helpful in making an educated and logical prediction about the outcome of the Examination as well as charting out a plan for future course of action to successfully take on the challenge of what to study after Examinations. It is pertinent to lay down a course of action that would become a guiding factor with respect to studies. This activity will also be one of the ways to relax, reason being that an idle mind is a source of stress and misguided actions.

A step wise charting of the course of action to be adopted is now being discussed.

1. Question Papers

As the first step, all question papers of the recently appeared Examination should be collected. In case some question paper is missing, the same can be borrowed from a friend or downloaded from internet, if available.

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2. Study Material

Gather study material issued by the ICAI, suggested answers issued by the ICAI, personal notes, reference books and any other material that was referred to at the time of preparation of the Examination

3. Self Evaluation Sheet

Prepare an evaluation sheet for each paper, making columns for question number, allotted marks and marks obtained. Allot marks to questions exactly as per the question paper; there should be no variation whatsoever.

4. Evaluate Yourself

The previous steps were quite straightforward and did not require much thought or explanation; however the current step is the most crucial step as all the remainder assessment and planning will depend on it, therefore due caution must be exercised during this step.

Steps to follow

  • Start in the chronological order and pick up the first question paper. Mark those questions, which were answered in the Examination. Concentrate and focus on the first question, try to recall the answer exactly as was written during Examination. At times it may be difficult to recollect an answer in its entirety but this should not be a dampener and in this situation a broad idea and the substance of the answer should be recollected. 
  • Compare your answer with that available in the study material already collected as per point number two above. Though the direct comparison will really be a daunting task, an attempt should be made to compare the style of answering, steps of the answer, contents of the answer and cleanliness of presentation. 
  • Based on this comparison allot marks for each attempted question. Enter these marks in the column for marks obtained. This work may prove to be quite tricky and confusing but with calmness and alacrity the situation can well be negotiated. Total up all the marks and finalize the result. 
  • The whole exercise involved in this point calls for utmost honesty for we are just trying to help ourselves; there is no other purpose of this analysis. The concept of conservatism should not be lost sight of and every time you deduct a mark, do not feel negative, and instead feel pragmatic.

5. Result of Self Assessment

Compile the marks of each paper obtained as per step four above. Now the result of Examination is before you. In case some inconsistencies are felt the same have to be looked into until complete satisfaction as to the accuracy of self assessment is achieved.

Based on the result categorize the subjects in terms of probability of passing

  • highly probable 
  • moderately probable 
  • less probable 
  • least probable and 
  • definite failure

This step is not really challenging as it is more of tabulation of work already done, even then care should be taken while categorizing the subjects in terms of probability of passing.

6. Analysis of Performance

This is a critical step and also the pivotal point on which the future course and the course correction are dependent. Analyze the reasons of varying performance in different subjects. Subjects in which the probability of passing is high and moderate may for the time being be kept out of consideration. In reverse order, the subject or subjects with definite failure, require maximum attention followed by least probable and less probable

7. The Course of Future Action

  • Plan the future course of action based on the analysis of reasons of shortcomings in certain subjects. Corresponding to the deficiency, improvements can be made.
  • Make a habit of careful reading of the complete question paper before answering. 
  • Answer those questions first whose answers are well known. Such answers can be written with accuracy in a shorter period of time and completion of some questions gives confidence. 
  • Go through the suggested answers issued by the ICAI and thoroughly understand the format of answers given in them. 
  • Pay attention to the contents of the answers and ensure that they are not lacking in quality and standard. 
  • The analysis might show that despite putting in the best of efforts, time and an in depth study of the subject, the desired command over the various topics was not generated. The reason might lie with the selection of the reference material. Such circumstances might call for a change of reference books, study material and notes etc. 
  • It is a common feature to not be able to provide sufficient attention to a particular subject owing to paucity of time during preparation of Examination. Nothing can be done about the Examination that is already over but yes corrective action can be taken for the future as the present exercise has been started well in time and it has revealed this shortcoming. There is no scarcity of time at this moment and the text of such subjects can be looked into starting now.

8. Execution of the Plan

After successfully contemplating and analyzing, if weaker areas are found then the action starts. The entire effort made in the foregoing exercise will become redundant if not converted into action immediately. It is the most critical point because the inertia that sets in after the Examinations needs to be overcome. With a slight push of strong will power the cart can be set in motion. After all the long term objectivity cannot be sacrificed for short term indolence.

Introspection: After the Examinations and before the result

The above introspection is done after the Examinations and before declaration of the result. This is a period when the pressure of studies is generally low and the mind is comparatively free to grasp new concepts. This will also show that when any work is done at ease, it become more fruitful and meaningful rather than when the same exercise is carried out under restrictive pressure of time. When the actual result is declared it can be compared with the result of self analysis. The variance will show the difference of perception of the Examiner and the self. In a way it is the difference of perception of two persons. This difference will demonstrate that even in those cases where the facts are established on the same footing, the outcomes will differ according to varying view of the people involved. It is a beginning towards accepting, integrating and respecting differing opinions. It is a lesson in leadership, which is an incessant requirement of life.


The analysis should not be viewed as a precursor to the failure and that is not the least of intentions of this article. The self analysis, as suggested, makes us aware of personal shortcomings and a strategy to handle those that give us confidence. When causes and conditions are analyzed, to arrive at solutions in case of failures and to strengthen the responsible factors in case of success, such an analysis becomes a source of mental stability. The foregoing steps are neither exhaustive nor exclusive, they are only suggestive. The reasoned analysis, as suggested, is not restricted only to the result of an Examination instead it is an exercise aimed at building a sound habit. The process so learned can be applied to any situation in life.

A peaceful stable mind is one of the most important decisive factors contributing towards happiness. Any training to achieve a stable mind is worth executing as happiness is a genuine right and need of all human beings.

Best wishes to everybody for a happy life.

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