How to Prepare for CISA Certification, This article will give you the details about the CISA certification course and how to prepare for the same, what are the prospects of such qualification, who should adopt for such certification, how to apply for it, what is the exam pattern and many more things. This Certification is less known in the society but it is highly creditable degree in the field of the Information Technology with the knowledge of Audit. Now yo can scroll down below n check more details regarding “How to Prepare for CISA Certification”

How to Prepare for CISA Certification

Prepare for CISA Certification

What is CISA?

CISA stands for Certified Information Systems Auditor. This certification is regarded to be one of the most difficult examination but the fruits of passing the examination are very high. I have explained further what are the benefits for the certification. This certification is issued by the Information Systems Audit And Control Association (ISACA). This certification would get you expertise in many fields such as IT management, Audit of Systems, etc. This has become very much relevant as the whole society is tending towards the technology. So there must be some one to check the accuracy of the systems.


As the world is towards the automated systems, there is very much need of the persons who knows about the system as well knows about how the transaction occurs through it. The combination of both is CISA. There would be a great need of CISA certified people who can conduct the audit of the systems which would help them get the correct picture of the company. CISA has been globally accepted degree which gives you high paying jobs such as IT Audit Supervisor, IT Audit Manager, IS Security Analyst, etc. This certification course guarantees you that you are the person who is changing according to the needs of the people and providing the best services possible.

Must Read –

Exam Pattern:

The exam pattern of CISA is very much less known as the people applying for the CISA is very low. CISA exams are conducted 3 times a year. They are conducted in June, September and December every year. It is fully Multiple Choice question based examination. This examination is of 4 hours of time period, and a 800 marks examination, out of which you need to score at least 450 marks.

Preparing for CISA:

  1. First and foremost, you should be reading the ISACA’s CISA Review Manual, which has tried to cover each and everything that you need to know for the certification.
  2. Second thing you need to make the notes of what you are reading in a simplified form which would help you in revising at the last moment.
  3. There are various free resources provided by the ISACA for the learners to go through it for simpler learning. Try to access to that resources which are highly beneficial.
  4. You need to plan each and every day for the learning, You need to start the preparation at least before 3 to 4 months, so you can plan it very much according to the requirement. Some escalation needs to be kept in case of emergencies.
  5. Make sure that you provide all the examinations of the courses if you are doing it with the coaching classes, because it is the key to success, which would decide that whether you are proper for the certification or not.
  6. Try to get knowledge and information from the various blogs and forums so can ask for the expert to guide on the same with elaborating your situation to him and asking for the advice.

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