FAQ on DSC Registration & Digital Signature Update on GST Portal, Check Various Queries on DSC Registration on GST Portal, FAQs on DSC Updation on GST Portal. In this article we provide all frequently asked questions on DSC Registration, Check Question and Answers on Digital Signature Certificate Registration. We already provide DSC Registration Guide in our another article, We also provide Video Guide for Digital Certificate Registration. Now Scroll down below n check complete details for “FAQ on DSC Registration & Digital Signature Update on GST Portal”
Must Read – How to Register and Update Digital Signature
FAQ on DSC Registration & Digital Signature Update on GST Portal

First-time login
1. I have completed all the steps for the first-time login and I have been directed to a new credentials page. What should I do?
You need to create your username and password to login to the GST Portal. For subsequent logins, you will use the username created now.
2. The system is not accepting the password I am entering. Are there any special requirements for setting the password?
Your password should be of 8 to 15 characters which should comprise of at least one number, special character and letter (at least one upper and lower case).
Subsequent Login
1. I have forgotten my username. How do I retrieve it?
Please use the Forgot Username link available on the login page to retrieve your username.
2. I have forgotten my password. How do I reset it?
Please use the Forgot Password link available on the login page to reset your password.
3. How long is my password valid?
Your password is valid for 120 days.
4. What is Captcha Code? Why do I need to fill it?
Captcha Code is a numeric code that must be filled every time you login to the GST Portal. It has been added as an additional security measure.
5. The Captcha Code provided is not legible. What should I do?
You can click the refresh icon next to the code and the system will generate a new code for you.
6. Do I need to register my DSC before I can use it on the GST Portal to digitally sign any documents?
Yes, you must register your DSC before you can digitally sign any document on the GST Portal.
7. Is it mandatory for me to use DSC or can I opt for E-Sign?
DSC is mandatory for companies and LLPs. All other entities can either use DSC or E-Sign to digitally sign documents on the GST Portal.
1. What is DSC?
Ans – DSC stands for Digital Signature Certificate. All the Authorized Signatories will have registered DSCs. DSC is used to authenticate the Enrolment Application.
What are the various modes for user authentication on the GST Portal?
There are three methods for user authentication on the GST Portal.
a. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) are the digital equivalent (that is electronic format) of physical or paper certificates. A digital certificate can be presented electronically to prove one’s identity, to access information or services on the Internet or to sign certain documents digitally. In India, DSC are issues by authorized Certifying Authorities.
The GST Portal accepts only PAN based Class II and III DSC.
To obtain a DSC, please contact any one of the authorised DSC-issuing Certifying Authorities: http://www.cca.gov.in/cca/?q=licensed_ca.html
b. Electronic Signature (E-Sign)
Electronic Signature (E-Sign) is an online electronic signature service in India to facilitate an Aadhar older to digitally sign a document.
A One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to mobile phone number that is registered with Aadhar at the time of digitally signing documents at the GST Portal.
c. Electronic Verification Code (EVC)
The Electronic Verification Code (EVC) authenticates the identity of the user at the GST Portal by generating a OTP. The OTP will be sent to the user via SMS on the registered mobile number and e-mail address of Authorized Signatory at the Portal.
To avail this service, the user must have a valid Aadhaar Card and valid mobile phone number that is registered in the Aadhar database.
How do I register/update my DSC on the GST Portal?
Precondition: You must have the EmSigner utility (free download available) installed on your system (mandatory for using DSC on the GST Portal).
- Login to the GST Portal.
- Click on your username on the top right section of the post-login landing page.
- From the dropdown, select My Profile.
- In the My Profile landing page, click on the Register/Update DSC link under the Quick Links section.
- Attach your DSC dongle and open emSigner utility.
- The Register/Update DSC landing page will have a dropdown with the PANs of all the authorised signatories. Select your PAN from the dropdown.
- Select the relevant option from the emSigner utility.
- Before registering, you will be asked to enter your password to authorise the registration.
- Once you enter the correct password, your DSC will be registered on the GST Portal.
emSigner is not working on my machine for the trust key tool while using hard token issued from e-Mudhra Limited, Class 3 or Class 2 certificate. How can I resolve this issue?
Check Out to troubleshoot DSC issues
What are the pre-requisites to register DSC?
The pre-requisites are:
- a) Emsigner should be installed on the computer
- b) DSC Dongle
- c) Software of DSC on the computer
How do I register/update my DSC on the GST Portal?
Precondition: You must have the EmSigner utility (free download available) installed on your system (mandatory for using DSC on the GST Portal).
- Login to the GST Portal. (Check GST Login Procedure)
- Click on your username on the top right section of the post-login landing page.
- From the dropdown, select My Profile.
- In the My Profile landing page, click on the Register/Update DSC link under the Quick Links section.
- Attach your DSC dongle and open emSigner utility.
- The Register/Update DSC landing page will have a dropdown with the PANs of all the authorised signatories. Select your PAN from the dropdown.
- Select the relevant option from the emSigner utility.
- Before registering, you will be asked to enter your password to authorise the registration.
- Once you enter the correct password, your DSC will be registered on the GST Portal.
2. Is a DSC mandatory or applicable for me?
Ans – DSC is compulsory for all types of Companies & LLPs. Others may sign using DSC or e-sign.
3. Which DSC is permissible in GSTN?
Ans – DSC issued by any Indian Competent Authority is permissible in GSTN. But it should be registered with the GST system using Register/Update DSC service available.
4. What to do in case the DSC, I am trying to affix is not registered at the portal?
Ans – In case the DSC is not registered at the GST Common Portal, you must first get the DSC registered.
To register DSC, follow the steps mentioned in the User Manual available under the Help in Footer of the GST Common Portal.
5. How can I procure DSC?
Ans – Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) can be obtained directly from any Certifying Authorities (CAs) in India by filling requisite application form, attaching supporting documents, and payment of specified fees.
Certifying Authorities (CA) has been granted a license to issue a digital signature certificate under Section 24 of the Indian IT-Act 2000. One can procure Class 2 or 3 certificates from any of the certifying authorities.
- Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) “http://www.tcs-ca.tcs.co.in”
- National Informatics Center (NIC) “http://nicca.nic.in/”
- IDRBT Certifying Authority “http://idrbtca.org.in”
- SafeScrypt CA Services, Sify Communications Ltd. “http://mcacert.safescrypt.com”
- Code Solutions CA “https://www.ncodesolutions.com”
- E-MUDHRA “http://www.e-mudhra.com”
- What is Msigner why I need to download the same?
Msigner is the utility for enabling DSC you can download the same from the GST system portal. You need to download , right click on the icon and select run as administrator option.
Must Read – How to Register and Update Digital Signature (DSC) on GST Portal
7. Can I submit my Enrolment Application at GST Common Portal without electronically signing the application with DSC or E-sign?
Ans – Yes, you can submit the Enrolment Application at GST Common Portal without electronically signing the application but you need to sign the application after the appointed date to perform any activity on the GST Common Portal like filing returns. You can view the submitted application by accessing the Dashboard at the GST Common Portal.
8. Is electronically signing the Enrolment Application using the DSC mandatory for enrolment?
Ans – Electronically signing the Enrolment Application using DSC is mandatory for enrolment by Companies, Foreign Companies, Limited Liability Partnership (LLPs) and Foreign Limited Liability Partnership (FLLPs).
For other taxpayers, electronically signing using DSC is optional.
9. My DSC is not registered with the GST Common Portal? Will I be able to submit my Enrolment Application with my DSC? How can I register my DSC with the GST Common Portal?
Ans – You cannot submit the Enrolment Application if your DSC is not registered with the GST Common Portal. Therefore, you need to register your DSC at the GST Common Portal by clicking the Register DSC menu.
During registration of DSC with the GST Common Portal, the PAN of the DSC holder will be matched with the PAN database of the CBDT. After validation you need to select the certificate that you need to register.
Note: Only Class -2 or Class 3 DSC can be registered at the GST Common Portal.
10. While registering DSC in GST portal, I receive the message; “Failed to establish connection to the server”. How do I fix the error?
Ans – Before you register your DSC, you need to install the EM Signer utility. The utility can be downloaded from the Register DSC page. Please install the EM Signer utility and execute it. The steps to install the EM Signer utility are available under the System Requirements page accessible from the Help in the Footer.
Also, only Class 2 and Class 3 DSC are accepted at the GST Common Portal.
11. My DSC certificate is not listed in the EM signer web socket. What should I do?
Ans – Check if the DSC Certificate has expired. Also, only Class 2 and Class 3 DSC are accepted at the GST Common Portal.
Must Read – How to Register and Update Digital Signature (DSC) on GST Portal
FAQs on Update DSC
1. Can I submit my Enrolment Application at GST Common Portal without electronically signing the application with DSC or E-sign?
Yes, you can submit the Enrolment Application at GST Common Portal without electronically signing it but you need to sign the application at a later date within the time allowed under the GST Act. Only signed Enrolment Applications shall be considered for issue of Final Registration Certificate. You can view the submitted application after login by accessing “My Saved Applications” at the GST Common Portal.
2. Is electronically signing the Enrolment Application using the DSC mandatory for enrolment?
Electronically signing the Enrolment Application using DSC is mandatory for enrolment by Companies, Foreign Companies, Limited Liability Partnership (LLPs) and Foreign Limited Liability Partnership (FLLPs).
For other taxpayers, electronically signing using DSC is optional.
3. My DSC is not registered with the GST Common Portal? Will I be able to submit my Enrolment Application with my DSC? How can I register my DSC with the GST Common Portal?
You cannot submit the Enrolment Application if your DSC is not registered with the GST Common Portal. Therefore, you need to register your DSC at the GST Common Portal by clicking the Register DSC menu.
During registration of DSC with the GST Common Portal, the PAN of the DSC holder will be matched with the PAN database of the CBDT. After validation you need to select the certificate that you need to register.
Note: Only Class -2 or Class 3 DSC can be registered at the GST Common Portal.
4. My DSC is expired or revoked? What should I do?
You need to procure a DSC and update your DSC at the GST Common Portal. To register DSC, follow the steps mentioned in the User Manual available under the Help in Footer of the GST Common Portal.
What is E-Sign and EVC?
In addition to DSC the GST Portal also provides authentication using E-Sign and EVC.
Electronic Signature (E-Sign)
Electronic Signature (E-Sign) is an online electronic signature service in India to facilitate an Aadhar older to digitally sign a document.
A One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to mobile phone number that is registered with Aadhar at the time of digitally signing documents at the GST Portal.
Electronic Verification Code (EVC)
The Electronic Verification Code (EVC) authenticates the identity of the user at the GST Portal by generating a OTP. The OTP will be sent to the user via SMS on the registered mobile number and e-mail address of Authorized Signatory at the Portal.
To avail this service, the taxpayer must have a valid Aadhaar Card and valid mobile phone number that is registered in the Aadhar database.
Recommended Articles –
Video Guide for DSC Registration on GST Portal
If you have any other query regarding “FAQ on DSC Registration & Digital Signature Update on GST Portal” then please tell us via below comment box…
SIR I am filling form of GST Practitioner and 3 STEP Of registration have been completed but in final step form have a question that as a GST practitioner what should I choose 1- with DSC 2- WITH E SIGNATURE 3 – WITH EVC .
so please give me answer that what should I choose WITH DSC , WITH E SIGNATORY , WITH EVC.
SIR I am filling form of GST Practitioner and 3 STEP Of registration have been completed but in final step form have a question that as a GST practitioner what should I choose 1- with DSC 2- WITH E SIGNATURE 3 – WITH EVC .
so please give me answer that what should I choose WITH DSC , WITH E SIGNATORY , WITH EVC.
Certificate already registered with another customer
Help !
Certificate already registered with another customer
Help !
My mother is an owner of a Proprietorship business in Assam. I am officially authorized (according to court affidavits) person. could I take a digital signature on my name and submit it GSTN Portail for registration. Is it compulsory for my mother to take digital signature herself for registration? Please clarify my doubts.
My mother is an owner of a Proprietorship business in Assam. I am officially authorized (according to court affidavits) person. could I take a digital signature on my name and submit it GSTN Portail for registration. Is it compulsory for my mother to take digital signature herself for registration? Please clarify my doubts.
some errors linke port binding failed my not be aasignable to a specific websocket
pls help this massage coming emsigner . when i am updating DSC
This is clearly mentioned in another post. Please check this link
some errors linke port binding failed my not be aasignable to a specific websocket
pls help this massage coming emsigner . when i am updating DSC
some errors linke port binding failed my not be aasignable to a specific websocket
pls help this massage coming emsigner . when i am updating DSC
when i registered dsc in gst portal so e signer show this msg -some errors like port binding failed may not be assignable to a specific websocket
Dear Ayush,
Did you find the correction of the above error? I have found the same error in my emsigner and canot continuoue. If you anybody can provide a proper solutiob for this? awaiting your reply ASAP.
when i registered dsc in gst portal so e signer show this msg -some errors like port binding failed may not be assignable to a specific websocket
I have submitted the application using DSC. Do I need to submit hard copy of my Documents?
I have submitted the application using DSC. Do I need to submit hard copy of my Documents?
I am Authorised Signatory and Managing Director of Two Private Limited Companies in Different locations in Kerala State namely in Cochin and Trivandrum. I had taken two Emudra Class 2 DSC in hard USB Token for using separately in two firms under my same PAN. I took two DSC in one PAN because the offices of two firms, Auditors and concerned state VAT/Service Tax offices are in different locations and also difficulty in carrying one DSC to another office and vice versa for DSC signing of documents.
Now for GST enrolment I had completed the enrolment process of one company with one DSC specifically for that company. But in the case of other company while registering DSC, the menu/message shows the DSC already registered under my authorised signatory name and PAN. So I have to re-register my second DSC for other company. Is it valid for GST enrollment of the second company? My Question is, being Primary Authorised Signatory Person of two Pvt Ltd companies in different district locations in a State, Can I use my two different dsc for GST enfoldment for my two different companies separately ? Whether there will be any problem for already submitted gst application of one company ? (like rejection or cancellation of GST enrolment application)
Hope you have rectified the issue.
If not, please write to helpdesk@gst.gov.in for more information.
I am Authorised Signatory and Managing Director of Two Private Limited Companies in Different locations in Kerala State namely in Cochin and Trivandrum. I had taken two Emudra Class 2 DSC in hard USB Token for using separately in two firms under my same PAN. I took two DSC in one PAN because the offices of two firms, Auditors and concerned state VAT/Service Tax offices are in different locations and also difficulty in carrying one DSC to another office and vice versa for DSC signing of documents.
Now for GST enrolment I had completed the enrolment process of one company with one DSC specifically for that company. But in the case of other company while registering DSC, the menu/message shows the DSC already registered under my authorised signatory name and PAN. So I have to re-register my second DSC for other company. Is it valid for GST enrollment of the second company? My Question is, being Primary Authorised Signatory Person of two Pvt Ltd companies in different district locations in a State, Can I use my two different dsc for GST enfoldment for my two different companies separately ? Whether there will be any problem for already submitted gst application of one company ? (like rejection or cancellation of GST enrolment application)
Hope you have rectified the issue.
If not, please write to helpdesk@gst.gov.in for more information.
I have a query for dsc error on GST portal.
I have registered DSC and now while clicking on the tab submit with dsc it is showing only one orange line,whereas it should show submitted successfully?
How to fix this error, pls advice
I have a query for dsc error on GST portal.
I have registered DSC and now while clicking on the tab submit with dsc it is showing only one orange line,whereas it should show submitted successfully?
How to fix this error, pls advice