GST Tax Planning: Goods and Service Tax (GST) replaced all indirect taxes levied on goods and services by the Government, both Central and States. GST is one of the biggest Tax Reforms in India since its independence. One of the Key benefits of GST is removal of the cascading tax effect.

What is Tax Planning?

Tax Planning is the systematic process of reducing the tax liability by using various provisions under the Law. The main purpose behind Tax Planning is not only Reduction of Tax Liability but also to the Minimization of Litigation.In other words,Tax Planning means to reduce the tax liability by taking maximum benefits of the provisions under the law.

In GST, We can minimise Tax Liability through Effective Procurement Planning.

Why is Effective Procurement Planning required?

Raw material cost is the major cost element of the total cost of a product of a manufacturing Organisation.Average raw material cost is to the tune of 60 to 65 % of the total cost. By saving 1% cost through effecting procurement planning has good impact on product margins and ultimately bottom line of the company. Following key points will help to minimise the Tax liability and cost of effective procurement:

i) Registered Dealer: Maximizes Procurement from registered dealer will get full credit of input tax and net landed cost of material will not increase. Major advantage is -100% input tax credit can be availed and ultimately the tax liability out go can be minimised. Compliance is very much easier and smoother as compared to purchasing from unregistered dealer. Another advantage is that price comparison is easier in case of purchases from the registered dealer.

ii) Composite Dealer: Input tax credit is not available on the purchases from Dealer who opted under Composition Scheme. Taxes are inclusive in the prices and obviously landed cost of material is higher than procurement from the registered dealer. Procurement planning should be in such a way that there should be minimal purchases or set a target of Zero purchases from composite dealer.

iii) Inter-State or Intra-State Purchases : Inter-State purchases attracts IGST while Intra-State attracts SGST & CGST. From Cash outflow perspective, IGST input tax credit can be utilised to set off tax liabilities from IGST, CGST and SGST whereas CGST & SGST input credit tax can be utilised to setoff for respective liabilities only.In case, inter-state sales and intra-state purchases are higher, cash out flow is heavily impacted and accumulation of input credit increases the pressure on working capital. Cost & Benefit analysis is to be required for decision making about inter-state v/s intrastate procurement in the purview of GST provisions.

iv) Unregistered Dealer: Always try to avoid purchasing from unregistered dealer mainly due to non-availability of input credit and secondly, because price benchmarking is very difficult.The chances of fluctuations in prices are more and it may lead to increase in the material cost. Compliance issues may be cropped up and tax needs to be paid under Reverse Charge for the purchases from Unregistered Dealer.

v) Major Procurement: Analyse the impact of GST on the business of major vendors and find out probable saving avenues and negotiate the price with the vendor. It would result in good saving in procurement cost & taxes.Further, it will positively impact the bottom line of the Company.

Conclusion: Procurement cost can be saved through analysing & effective applications of GST provisions.Tax planning helps to minimise the tax lability and maximize Compliance.In other words,Tax planning is an integral part of effective procurement. I believe “A RUPEE SAVED IS A RUPEE EARNED”.

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