Some Benefits of Passing Microsoft 70-461 Exam and Getting MCSA Certification Using Practice Tests Earning any kind of IT certification can help you immediately boost your career and, as a result, provide you with a substantial number of benefits. You will be packed with a set of skills to help you deal with the tasks that you have, you may also earn a higher salary, win a promotion, and even improve credibility in the eyes of your friends and colleagues. But there is no gain without pain, and you need to work hard to get it all.

Thus, if you want to become a database developer or a database analyst, you need to obtain the MCSA: SQL Server 2012/2014 credential. Itcan be earned by passing three exams: 70‑461, 70‑462, and 70‑463. In this article, we will cover the details and possible advantages that you can have by clearing the first step of the whole process of getting this associate-level certificate – Microsoft Pass Your Exams .

The prerequisite knowledge that you should have

In order to sit for the Microsoft 70-461 exam, the candidate must have the foundational skills in the IT field. It is not a strict necessity, as there are no prerequisites for this test, but most of the applicants are those who have the position of a SQLserver database administrator, a system engineer, or a developer for at least 2 years. Their experience of developing database objects, working with data stored in SQL servers, modifying this data, and analyzing and solving queries in the most effective manner helps encounter the new information a bit easier.If you think that your current level of knowledge is not enough, Microsoft offers to pursue one or several of the MTA certificates. They develop a good foundation with any set of skills.

The exam format that you will encounter

The very first thing that you need to know about the Microsoft 70-461 testis its structure, and namely, its format, number of questions, price of the voucher, available languages, and so on. All the details and information regarding this certification exam are very important for those students who want to pass it.

So, please note that Microsoft 70-461 is available in 6 languages: English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and Portuguese. The time duration allocated to this test is two hours and the cost that you need to pay is $165. The exam may consist of 40-60 questions, which can be in the form of multiplechoice, fill-in-the-blank, hot area, drag and drop, etc. The passing score is 700 out of 1000, so it is essential for you to get about 75% right while taking practice tests. If you ace all the content with the help of visual, oral, and written materials and then get the mentioned score, you will pass the real exam for sure

Since Microsoft does not have a defined and fixed pattern for any of its tests and questions, the content may not be just limited to the main topics written on the certification page. Therefore, it is highly advised that you learn all the subjects with great deliberation by using the official study materials offered by Microsoft and the ones from the Examsnap platform. All theseresources, such as training courses, mock tests, study guides, forums, and videos will lead you to the right path of studying.

The exam objectives that you need to ace

But what topics need to be studied, you may ask? Let’s take a quick look at them.

Microsoft 70-461 consists of 4 sections, each of which has a specific percentage weight. Thus, the first one is based on the creation of database objects with an allocated percentage weight of 20-25%. The candidates must have knowledge of creating and altering DML triggers, views, and tables with T-SQL syntax.The second section holds 25-30% of the exam and evaluatesone’sknowledge by assessing the ability to work with data. The examineesshould be able to query and manage data and implement subqueries by identifying problems in query plans.

They also have to know how to implement data types by using appropriate data and understanding uses and limitations of each type.The third blockassesses the individual’s ability to modify data and holds 20-25% of the whole exam content in which the applicants must know how to create and modify stored procedures using simple statements, combine datasets, and work with specific functions.The last topic area holds 25-30%, and the questions from this section relate to troubleshooting and optimization of queries. You must know how to solve queries, manage transactions, and implement the procedures in which they can handle errors in transactions.

All knowledge related to these 4 objectives must be learned by heart. You should pay more attention to those topics that have a higher percentage weight,but don’t ignore other subjects because you may have some weak spots in them.

The benefits that you will getafter earning the certification

The most popular phrase “Knowledge is power” means that knowledge is even more powerful than one’s physical strength and no great or extraordinary work is possible without a significant knowledge base.It empowers people in achieving excellent results. Thus, the more knowledge the learners get, the more powerful they become in their eyes as well as in the eyes of others.So, the key benefits of completing Microsoft 70-461 are new skills and a cleared step in your main milestone.

But what about the Microsoft credential? First and foremost, it will stand as a proof of your skills while applying for a job.The employer will believe that you are a hardworking person who will do anything to achieve the best possible results in any task. It also serves as an advantage for the current employees.The recruiters prefer looking for thecandidates within the organization because there will be no need to show all the working process from zero. So if you have all the relevant skills to perform with maximum quality, it will make you qualified enough for the promotions that might arise.Another advantage of receiving the MCSA certification isa huge pay increase. Your boss gets a certified professional with a tone of useful skills and you earn more money. It’s a win-win situation for both!


These were the main benefits that you can get after passing the Microsoft 70-461 exam. And they are not the only ones. It all depends on the organization you choose, location, other factors you may think about. But, as you can see, there are no disadvantages, so why not to pursue the MCSA credential for your own good.


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