Most Popular Global Career Destinations for Indian CAs, The Chartered Accountancy profession is probably the only profession which is truly global, the profession is integrated globally and Chartered Accountants around the world are required to follow international standards for Accounting, Auditing, Education and Ethics. This integration is facilitated by IFAC – The International Federation of Accountants. The integration of the profession helps Indian Chartered Accountants to explore global opportunities. Today, the Indian CA qualification is well recognised in many countries and we find that a large number of young Indian CAs are able to take up attractive global careers and start work immediately. The Indian CAs are highly sought after around the world because of their skill-sets and high quality of education.

Most Popular Global Career Destinations for Indian CAs

Gulf Region: Borders are no bar to knowledge professionals and Chartered Accountants, and the younger lot of CAs are especially proving that right. Although their outbound destinations include different parts of the world, one of their most favourite destinations is the Gulf region, comprising Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. The resurgent Gulf region offers excellent growth opportunities to thousands of Indian Chartered Accountants who are extremely successful and they are highly respected for their commitment and hardworking attitude

Today, more than 20,000 CAs work in the Gulf region and are offered attractive pay packages.

Must Read – Huge Global Opportunities for Chartered Accountants

Australia: Indian Chartered Accountants in Australia have been writing remarkable success stories over the years. Currently, the Indian CAs have excellent career opportunities in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Canberra.

ICAI has signed Mutual Recognition Agreements MRA’s with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) and with Certified Practicing Accountants (CPA) Australia so that the Indian CA is recognised in Australia through principles of reciprocity.

The ICAA, with 62,000 members, represents Chartered Accountants in Australia while the CPA in Australia is one of the world’s largest accounting bodies with a membership of more than 150,000 finance, accounting and business professionals in 121 countries across the globe

Australia attracts a lot of Indian CAs because of excellent pay packages in the Banking, Pension and Insurance sectors, challenging work atmosphere and luxurious lifestyle but the individual income tax rates are quite steep.

SAARC Countries : Indian CAs have a strong presence in the SAARC Region and we find that many Indian CAs working in Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Srilanka and Bhutan are highly successful. ICAI closely works with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ICAN), Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh and Institute of Chartered Accountants of Srilanka, and has initiated discussions with them for MoUs on knowledge sharing and mutual recognitions.

United States of America – Through AICPA America is another favourite destination for Indian CAs. ICAI is working towards working with AICPA – The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants which is the largest accounting body of the world, for mutual recognition.

Way Forward for the Profession Looks Exciting So with all these changes and challenges, the CA profession has a great future. Society is demanding more transparency; financial and non-financial information is considered a social good, not a private matter; companies need someone to provide assurance to increase trust in their financials and the business overall; and regulation and decision-making processes are more complex, so more independent and qualified people will be needed.

The current generation of CAs need to adapt to changes happening globally and the opportunities for the profession looks attractive and exciting

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